Kües Ursula教授1983年毕业于波鸿鲁尔大学,获得硕士学位;1988年毕业于柏林工业大学,获得微生物学博士学位;1988-1990年,在柏林自由大学从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为细菌重金属耐受机制;1990-1993年,分别在伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院和牛津大学做博士后研究,主要研究方向为灰盖鬼伞的交配型基因研究;1994年起,作为课题组长,在苏黎世联邦理工学院继续从事灰盖鬼伞的发育研究;2001年起,作为全职教授(C4)和系主任,受聘于哥廷根大学分子木材生物技术和技术真菌学系,继续从事担子真菌的发育、遗传学和相关生物技术研究。在Science、Nature等杂志发表学术论文100多篇,他引10,000余次,H因子50。2008-2010年担任哥廷根大学森林科学与森林生态学院院长,目前担任哥廷根大学学术委员会副主席,并且是多个真菌基因组项目的国际召集人,承担学院本科生和研究生《真菌生物学》、《真菌生物技术》等课程的教学工作。
报告题目:Fruiting body development ofCoprinopsis cinerea
报告简介:The edible mushroomCoprinopsis cinereaserves as a model species for studies on development of agaricomycetous fungi. It has a very short life cycle, with germination of meiotic basidiospores into monokaryons, their mating to form a dikaryon and fruiting body formation with basidispore production on the dikaryon all happening on artificial medium within 2 weeks in the laboratory. Classical genetic studies with mutants are thus easily possible. Further,C. cinereahas a very efficient DNA transformation system, making use of its haploid uni-nuclear mitotic spores (oidia) formed abundantly in the aerial mycelium of monokaryotic mycelium.Fruiting body development ofC. cinereais strictly controlled by endogenous factors such as the mating type genes as master regulators of development and by environmental conditions, especially by light, temperature and aeration. The process takes place at 25°C within seven days under a 12 h day/12 h night regime. It starts by intense local hyphal branching with formation of primary hyphal knots in the dark, while a first light signal induces then the further transfer into the compact secondary hyphal knots. In these, cap and stipe tissue begin to differentiate which underlies distinct patterns of light- and dark-regulated events during primordia formation over the next five days. The final light and dark signals regulate karyogamy and meiosis in the basidia, respectively. Upon induction of nuclear processes in the basidia, cap and stipe elongation occur parallel to meiosis and basidiospore formation. The cap is fully opened in the middle of the night phase, exposing the spores on the gill surfaces for forcible discharge