Yun Liu received her PhD degree from the Xian Jiaotong University
in 1997. She has since held the AIST fellow and STA Fellow positions at the
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
Kyushu, Japan (1998-2001) before the commencement of her Postdoctoral Fellow
position at the Australian National University in 2001. She is currently a
tenured academic staff as a chair Professor, and the Head of the Functional
Materials Research Group at the Australian National University.
Professor Yun Liu's group aims to use materials chemistry as a
tool to design and develop novel functional materials for uses in electronic
components, sensors, various catalysis technologies for waste water
treatment, solar and H2 energy generation, storage and recovery as well as
their utlise.
Structural characterisation of inorganic solid-state functional materials
Structural and defect analyses via various diffraction (X-ray,
neutron and electron) and spectral (XPS, ESR, Raman and FTIR) techniques etc.